Friday, February 12, 2010

Stage works

I promised a little while ago to put up some pictures of the Christmas drama/musical set I'd been part of and it's finally time.

It turned out great! I was responsible for set design/assembly and helped again with costumes (so cool - we had a lady supply us many authentic vintage items for the costumes!) Each of the panel sections in the center were mobile and would swing forward to be an 1850s market place or a dock scene (complete with a stuffed boar's head outside the pub!), or they flipped to show orphanage walls on the back side. Our builder was amazing! I gave him two pencil sketches and a brochure from West Ed Mall and he turned it into magic! Including a twenty+ foot mast (he cut down a tree!). Of course, no 1850s London docks scene would be complete without a fogger. And did I mention the snow machine?

It was four performances of original music, an original new script and fabulous costumes.

As I mentioned before, I would really encourage writers and artists to get their toes into a dramatic production if the chance ever arises. It really produces a living, dynamic event that teaches much in the process and rewards greatly in the finished product.

At the end, it was bittersweet to take it all down. But it also left the question that faces every author, artist, songwriter or playwright - what'll we do next to top this?

I'll have to keep you posted.


Glynis said...

This set is amazing, Val. What a production this must have been. What was it you were presenting? Maybe I should be reading some of your older posts to find out! (I think I will do just that.) Beautiful. Is this a church?

vjc said...

Yes, this happened at the church I attend - the play was called "Love is Calling Home" and the script and all original music was written in-house. We have an amazing Creative Arts team there.

I was looking at your drama pictures awhile back and thinking how fun the play you were in looked, too! Is there a chance you could point me to the script you used? (Title, writer, publisher, etc)I'd love to know more about it!