Sunday, February 26, 2012

NOW I'm almost finished ...

I posted last July that I was finally getting near the end of a mural project that I'd been working for quite some time. Well, let's just say that it turned out not to be the case. After taking some time (with the complete support of the mural group) to write my first stage play, then help several young ladies with their wedding gowns (have I mentioned I used to be a bridal seamstress?) and other sorts of time sappers, I can now say that the painting part of the mural work is DONE!

There's a sign to complete, a wall puzzle to complete and install and possibly one wall to seal. But in effect, the mural work is finished so here's some befores and afters - just to give you a taste :).


Before:After (summer toppers):

After (winter look):
Before: After:
And more afters:

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